The New Republic; or Culture, Faith and Philosophy in an English Country House

William Hurrell MALLOCK
Language: English
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Description The New Republic; or Culture, Faith and Philosophy in an English Country House
A group of upper class men and women gather together in an English country house to discuss their ideas for a utopia (their "New Republic"). The novel is a satire mocking most of the important figures at Oxford University at the time of publication, with regards to aestheticism and Hellenism. Some of the famous characters that are depicted are Violet Fane/Lady Mary Montgomery Currie (Mrs. Sinclair), Thomas Huxley (Mr. Storks), William Money Hardinge (Mr. Leslie), Thomas Carlyle (Donald Gordon), and Walter Pater (Mr. Rose). The latter is of particular interest, as his characterisation in this novel helped ruin his reputation as well as his career at Oxford University.The book became a best seller in its time and retains much of its humour and satirical bite today. As author David Daiches wrote in 1951, "If we can read through The New Republic without at one point or another being made to feel a little foolish, we are wise indeed. (Summary by Foon)