
The Count of Monte Cristo (version 2)

Description The Count of Monte Cristo (version 2)

The story takes place in France, Italy, islands in the Mediterranean and the Levant during the historical events of 1815–1838 (from just before the Hundred Days through the reign of Louis-Philippe of France). The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book. It is primarily concerned with themes of justice, vengeance, mercy, and forgiveness, and is told in the style of an adventure story. (Summary by Wikipedia)

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Chapter I - Marseilles - The ArrivalChapter II - Father and SonChapter III - The CatalansChapter IV - ConspiracyChapter V - The Marriage-FeastChapter VI - The Deputy Procureur du RoiChapter VII - The ExaminationChapter VIII - The Chateau D'IfChapter IX - The Evening of the BetrothalChapter X -The King's Closet at the TuileriesChapter XI - The Corsican OgreChapter XII - Father and SonChapter XIII - The Hundred DaysChapter XIV - The Two PrisonersChapter XV - Number 34 and Number 27Chapter XVI - A Learned ItalianChapter XVII - The Abbe's ChamberChapter XVIII - The TreasureChapter XIX - The Third AttackChapter XX - The Cemetary of Chateau D'IfChapter XXI - The Island of TiboulenChapter XXII - The SmugglersChapter XXIII - The Island of Monte CristoChapter XXIV - The Secret CaveChapter XXV - The UnknownChapter XXVI - The Pont du Gard InnChapter XXVII - The StoryChapter XXVIII - The Prison RegisterChapter XXIX - The House of Morrel & SonChapter XXX - The Fifth of SeptemberChapter XXXI - Italy: Sinbad the SailorChapter XXXII - The WakingChapter XXXIII - Roman Bandits Part 1Chapter XXXIII - Roman Bandits Part 2Chapter XXXIV - The Colosseum part 1Chapter XXXIV - The Colosseum part 2Chapter XXXV - La MazzolataChapter XXXVI - The Carnival at RomeChapter XXXVII - The Catacombs of Saint SebastianChapter XXXVIII - The CompactChapter XXXIX - The GuestsChapter XL - The BreakfastChapter XLI - The PresentationChapter XLII - Monsieur BertuccioChapter XLIII - The House at AuteuilChapter XLIV - The VendettaChapter XLV - The Rain of BloodChapter XLVI - Unlimited CreditChapter XLVII - The Dappled GraysChapter XLVIII - IdeologyChapter XLIX - HaideeChapter L - The Morrel FamilyChapter LI - Pyramus and ThisbeChapter LII - ToxicologyChapter LIII - Robert le DiableChapter LIV - A Flurry in StocksChapter LV - Major CavalcantiChapter LVI - Andrea CavalcantiChapter LVII - In the Lucerne PatchChapter LVIII - M. Noirtier de VillefortChapter LIX - The WillChapter LX - The TelegraphChapter LXI - How a Gardener May Get Rid of the DormiceChapter LXII - GhostsChapter LXIII - The DinnerChapter LXIV - The BeggarChapter LXV - A Conjugal SceneChapter LXVI - Matrimonial ProjectsChapter LXVII - At the Office of the King's AttorneyChapter LXVIII - A Summer BallChapter LXIX - The InquiryChapter LXX - The BallChapter LXXI - Bread and SaltChapter LXXII - Madame de Saint-MeranChapter LXXIII - The Promise Part 1Chapter LXXIII - The Promise Part 2Chapter LXXIV - The Villefort Family VaultChapter LXXV - A Signed StatementChapter LXXVI - Progress of Cavalcanti the YoungerChapter LXXVII - HaideeChapter LXXVIII - We Hear from YaninaChapter LXXIX - The LemonadeChapter LXXX - The AccusationChapter LXXXI - The Room of the Retired BakerChapter LXXXII - The BurglaryChapter LXXXIII - The Hand of GodChapter LXXXIV - BeauchampChapter LXXXV - The JourneyChapter LXXXVI - The TrialChapter LXXXVII - The ChallengeChapter LXXXVIII - The InsultChapter LXXXIX - A Nocturnal InterviewChapter XC - The MeetingChapter XCI - Mother and SonChapter XCII - The SuicideChapter XCIII - ValentineChapter XCIV - Maximilian's AvowalChapter XCV - Father and DaughterChapter XCVI - The ContractChapter XCVII - The Departure for BelgiumChapter XCVIII - The Bell and Bottle TavernChapter XCIX - The LawChapter C - The ApparitionChapter CI - LocustaChapter CII - ValentineChapter CIII - MaximilianChapter CIV - Danglars SignatureChapter CV - The Cemetery of Pere-la-ChaiseChapter CVI - Dividing the ProceedsChapter CVII - The Lions' DenChapter CVIII - The JudgeChapter CIX - The AssizesChapter CX - The IndictmentChapter CXI - ExpiationChapter CXII - The DepartureChapter CXIII - The PastChapter CXIV - PeppinoChapter CXV - Luigi Vampa's Bill of FareChapter CXVI - The PardonChapter CXVII - The Fifth of October


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