
Birds and All Nature, Vol. IV, No 1, July 1898

Author: Various
Genre: Poetry, Nature
Language: English
Viewed: 445
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Description Birds and All Nature, Vol. IV, No 1, July 1898

"Birds and All Nature" was a monthly publication of the Nature Study Publishing Company of Chicago. It includes short poems and articles describing birds, animals and other natural subjects with accompanying color plates. The magazine was published from 1897-1907 under the various titles, "Birds," "Birds and all Nature," "Nature and Art" and "Birds and Nature." These short pieces are perfect for a first recording or for anyone with a love of nature. - Summary by J. M. Smallheer

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Squirrel TownWilson's SnipeThe Black WolfAn Armadillo as a PetAfrican Folk LoreThe Red SquirrelSecrets of an Old GardenBirds Foretell MarriageThe Prairie HenAbout the SongstersThe Butterfly TradeThe Passenger Pigeon in Wisconsin and NebraskaThe American RabbitThirty Miles for an AcornThe OcelotAzamet the Hermit and His Dumb FriendsThe Use of FlowersAll NatureThe Bloodless SportsmenA Book by the BrookSummary


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