The Well at the World's End: Book 3: The Road to The Well at the World's End

The Well at the World's End: Book 3: The Road to The Well at the World's End
Language: English
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Description The Well at the World's End: Book 3: The Road to The Well at the World's End

In The Well at the World's End, Ralph of Upmeads, youngest son of the King of Upmeads, leaves home (where nothing exciting ever happens) without permission and sets out looking for adventure. When he hears rumors of a well that exudes water with magical properties, he is intrigued and begins his quest. Along the way, he travels through various towns and wildernesses and meets -- and is sometimes led astray by -- a host of interesting people including a mysterious knight, a beautiful woman who may be a goddess, a treacherous servant, a brave tavern wench, a barbarian warrior, a solitary sage, and a sadistic king. Book 3 continues this journey. ( kristingj)

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