
Curiosities of the Sky

Description Curiosities of the Sky

Astronomy is known as the oldest of the sciences, and it will be the longest-lived because it will always have arcana that have not been penetrated."-Excerpt from the Preface of Curiosities of the Sky by Garrett Serviss

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PrefaceWindows of Absolute NightStar-Clouds, Star-Clusters, and Star-StreamsStellar MigrationsThe Passing of the ConstellationsConflagrations in the HeavensExplosive and Whirling NebulaeThe Banners of the SunThe Zodiacal Light MysteryMarvels of the AuroraStrange Adventures of CometsMeteors, Fire-Balls, and MeteoritesThe Wrecking of the MoonThe Great Mars ProblemThe Riddle of the Asteroids


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