
Our Western Birds

Description Our Western Birds

This mother and son team, each distinguished in their field, collaborate to give charming portraits of common birds of the western United States from the western robin and cedar waxwing to the crow and roadrunner. The book is written in a plain and accessible style designed to stimulate an interest in nature among young people and give us a deeper appreciation of these birds and their charm. - Summary by Larry Wilson

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Preface.The LinnetThe Mourning DoveThe Black PhoebeWoodpeckersThe CrowThe Western RobinSong-SparrowThe Belted KingfisherThe California JayAudubon's WarblerThe Mocking-BirdThe American CootKilldeer PloverThe Western GullDifferent SparrowsThe Bank-SwallowThe Cliff-SwallowThe Cedar WaxwingThe Road-RunnerOur Western WrensThe Shrike, or Butcher-BirdThe Brown PelicanThe Arkansas GoldfinchThe TowheesThe Burrowing OwlThe Anna Humming-BirdThe Bush-TitOur West Coast ThrushesIdentification Chapter


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