Songs from the Mountains

Songs from the Mountains
Author: Henry Kendall
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Viewed: 347
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Description Songs from the Mountains

This is a volume of late poetry by Australian poet Henry Kendall, published in 1880. The poems in this volume are prime examples of the style for which Kendall was famous, describing the Australian nature and landscape in poetic detail. Wikipedia quotes the Sydney Mail writing: "Sad songs though many of them be, they are full of great thoughts and lofty aspirations. You may dislike them because they are not all chanted in unison with the bright noontide hymn; but you cannot deny that they are all of the music that floats high above the level of earthly grossness, and that sings, if sometimes among clouds, yet always far above the spires and mountains, although these are loftier than the level of the unbroken plains beneath." - Summary by Carolin

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