
Birds and Nature, Vol. XI, No 5, May 1902

Author: Various
Genre: Nature
Language: English
Viewed: 433
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Description Birds and Nature, Vol. XI, No 5, May 1902

"Birds and Nature" was a monthly publication of the Nature Study Publishing Company of Chicago. It includes short poems, anecdotes and factual descriptions of birds, animals and other natural subjects with accompanying color plates. The magazine was published from 1897-1907 under the various titles, "Birds," "Birds and all Nature," "Nature and Art" and "Birds and Nature." - Summary by J. M. Smallheer

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Hark, Hark, the Lark!The Little Green HeronThe Hand that Struck Thee DownThe Gobbler Who Was Lonesome. A Historical FactThe Varied ThrushThe Missouri SkylarkThe Master's ProtestThe Short-Billed Marsh WrenTwain Loves of JeremiahThe OrioleThe Orchard OrioleThe Prairie WarblerApril Birds and Flowers of the Mississippi Gulf CoastBirth StonesApple Blossoms and the WarblersRural RamblesThe HorseA MelodyThe VerbenasThe Blue Spring DaisyThe Little Feathered Boys and GirlsThe Cotton PlantThe Cloud


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