
The Haunted Bookshop

The Haunted Bookshop

Description The Haunted Bookshop

Roger Mifflin is the somewhat eccentric proprietor of The Haunted Bookshop, a second-hand bookstore in Brooklyn that is "haunted by the ghosts of all great literature." Beginning with the arrival of a young advertising man and the mysterious disappearance of a certain volume from the shelves of the bookshop, a lively and often humorous tale of intrigue unfolds, generously sprinkled with liberal doses of Roger's unique philosophy on literature and book selling. (Summary by J. M. Smallheer)

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The Haunted BookshopThe Corn Cob ClubTitania ArrivesThe Disappearing VolumeAubrey Walks Part Way Home - and Rides the Rest of the WayTitania Learns the BusinessAubrey Takes LodgingsAubrey Goes to the Movies, and Wishes He Knew More GermanAgain the Narrative is RetardedRoger Raids the Ice-BoxTitania Tries Reading in BedAubrey Determines to Give Service that is DifferentThe Battle of Ludlow StreetThe Cromwell Makes Its Last AppearanceMr. Chapman Waves His Wand


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