
The Mentor: Game Animals of America

Description The Mentor: Game Animals of America

This is Vol. 4, No. 13, Serial No. 113 of The Mentor, published Aug 15, 1916.This edition of the Mentor Magazine is devoted to big game animals in North America. There is an emphasis on preservation of these animals and opposition to big game hunting as a sport. These include the Prong-Horned Antelope, Mountain Sheep, Mountain Goat, Caribou, Moose, Musk-Ox, Elk, and the American Bison. - Summary by Larry Wilson

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Game PreservationIntroductionThe Saving of Big GameThe Prong-Horned AntelopeMountain SheepMountain GoatThe CaribouThe MooseThe Musk-OxThe Open LetterElkMountain SheepRocky Mountain GoatCaribouBull MooseAmerican Bison


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