
Folk Tales Every Child Should Know

Description Folk Tales Every Child Should Know

We have always loved stories. people have always entertained each other by telling tales around the campfire; traveling storytellers were huge crowd-pullers. Many of these stories were passed down through the generations, largely unchanged. "The stories made by the people, and told before evening fires, or in public places and at the gates of inns in the Orient, belong to the ages when books were few and knowledge limited, or to people whose fancy was not hampered by familiarity with or care for facts; they are the creations, as they were the amusement, of men and women who were children in knowledge, but were thinking deeply and often wisely of what life meant to them, and were eager to know and hear more about themselves, their fellows, and the world. In the earlier folk-stories one finds a childlike simplicity and readiness to believe in the marvellous; and these qualities are found also in the French peasant's version of the career of Napoleon. " (from the Introduction). - Summary by Lynne Thompson

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IntroductionHans In LuckWhy The Sea Is SaltThe Lad Who Went To The North WindThe Lad And The DeilAnanzi And The LionThe Grateful FoxesThe Badger's MoneyWhy Brother Bear Has No TailThe Origin Of RubiesLong, Broad And SharpsightIntelligence And LuckGeorge With The GoatThe Wonderful HairThe Dragon And The PrinceThe Good ChildrenThe Dun HorseThe Greedy YoungsterHans Who Made The Princess LaughThe Story Of Tom Tit TotThe Peasant Story Of Napoleon


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