Song: Upstart Greek

Song: Upstart Greek
Author: Greek Myths
Language: English
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Description Song: Upstart Greek

Jason and the golden fleece
An uptempo, amusing song about Jason and the Golden Fleece. We hope you will find this fun ! The words are a bit of a tongue-twister.

Composed and Sung by Gabriella Burnel
Guitar and Base by Drew Wynen
Drums by Jayesh Vadukul
Words by Bertie
Engineer Felipe Elcanja
Recorded at Forward Motion Studios with thanks to Jas
Picture by Nick Hayes

A young upstart Greek has come to seek,
The Gorgeous Golden Fleece.
He has a cheek, that Greek, to come and seek
The fleece of gold for Greece.

Is this scrawny boy to lead,
A gang of hardened heroes?
Will he hold his nerve, and never swerve
When the clanging fear grows?

A hero's quest, he wanted best,
Glory for his name.
He had a cheek, that Greek, to come and seek
The Georgian Fleece of fame.

Away across the blackest sea
To a gorgeous, wild state,
With hills of riches women that are witches,
Dragons guard that the gate.

A prince he is, supposedly.
He looks like a dope.
He has a cheek, that Greek, to come and seek
On a quest that has no hope.

Yes, Georgia, Colchis, what you will
It stands by the sea that's black
Many assaulted its citadel vaulted,
But no one ever came back."

A young upstart Greek has come to seek,
The Gorgeous Golden Fleece.
He has a cheek, that Greek, to come and seek
The fleece of gold for Greece.

Jason speaks with manly voice,
Perhaps he’s putting it on.
No war with Georgia, war with no one,
War’s not why he has come.

A young upstart Greek has come to seek,
The Gorgeous Golden Fleece.
He has a cheek, that Greek, to come and seek
The fleece of gold for Greece.

A young upstart Greek has come to seek,
The Gorgeous Golden Fleece.
He has a cheek, that Greek, to come and seek
The fleece of gold for Greece

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