A Country Mouse

A Country Mouse
Author: Arthur Law
Genre: Comedy
Language: English
Viewed: 202
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Description A Country Mouse

You could be forgiven upon reading that title, not to mention auditing the opening scene, for thinking that this is a play of a simple country girl fallen among aristocratic Victorian-era swingers in the big city. But this Country Mouse is anything but innocent. - Summary by Son of the Exiles

Cast list:
The Duke of St. Kitts (aged 65): Alan Mapstone
Lord Robert Wyckham (aged 30): Greg Giordano
John Bowlby, M.P. (aged 36): ToddHW
The Hon. Archibald Vyse (aged 28): ksb013
Jephcot (a butler, aged 60): Wayne Cooke
Servant: James R. Hedrick
Lady Sylvia Bowlby (aged 26): Matea Bracic
Violet Aynsley (aged 24): Jenn Broda
Angela Muir (aged 18): TJ Burns
Mrs. Cropper (aged 50): WendyKatzHiller
Stage Directions: Michele Eaton
Editing: Michele Eaton

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