Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar
Genre: Tragedy
Language: English
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Description Julius Caesar

William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, based on true events, concerns the conspiracy against Julius Caesar, his assassination in 44 BC, and its immediate aftermath. Probably written in 1599 and among the first of Shakespeare's plays to be performed at the Globe Theater, Julius Caesar is one of his best-known dramas and has received innumerable performances throughout the centuries. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden after Wikipedia)

Julius Caesar – Kim Stich
Octavius Caesar – Glenn Simonsen
Antony – Barry Eads
Lepidus and Cicero – David Lawrence
Publius, Poet, and Pindarus – Nathan Miller
Popilius Lena and First Commoner – Andrew
Brutus – Denny Sayers
Cassius – Christopher Sanner
Casca – mb
Trebonius and First Soldier – Mark I. Smith
Ligarius and Second Soldier – om123
Decius Brutus – Kalynda
Metellus Cimber and Dardanius – Chris Caron
Cinna, Young Cato, Second Commoner, Claudius, and Messenger – Sonja
Flavius and Clitus – Mark Penfold
Marullus and Messala – Arielle Lipshaw
Artemidorus – Aspergine
Soothsayer – Availle
Cinna the Poet – Elli
Lucilius – Christian Al-Kadi
Tintinius – Chris Sellers
Volumnius and Servant – Laurie Anne Walden
Varro and Third Soldier- Lucy Perry
Strato – Philippa
Lucius – MGVestal
Calpurnia – Miriam Esther Goldman
Portia – Abigail Bartels
First Citizen – Bellona Times
Second Citizen – Mark Paar
Third Citizen – David Cole
Fourth Citizen – wimberprincess
Stage directions – Elizabeth Klett

Audio edited by David Lawrence

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