
C. H. Spurgeon's Prayers

Description C. H. Spurgeon's Prayers

The day on which a volume of C. H. Spurgeon's Pulpit Prayers appears is a day to be desired. Decidedly this selection of the great preacher's prayers supplies a want. Lovers of C. H. Spurgeon will delight in this treasury of devotion. It was memorable to hear this incomparable devine when he preached. It was often even more memorable to hear him pray. Prayer was the instinct of his soul, and the atmosphere of his life. It was his "vital breath" and "native air." How naturally he inhaled and exhaled it! The greatness of his prayers more and more impresses and delights me. He touched every note. He sped as on eagle's wings, into the Heaven of God. May many be enabled, through grace, by the study of these prayers, to pray more abundantly and for effectually! (From the Introduction by Dinsdale T. Young)

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