
שני ימים ולילה אחד בבית מלון אורחים (Two Days and One Night in a Hotel)

Description שני ימים ולילה אחד בבית מלון אורחים (Two Days and One Night in a Hotel)

Judah Leib Gordon was born to well-to-do Jewish parents who owned a hotel in Vilnius, Lithuania. He took a leading part in the modern revival of the Hebrew language and culture. His satires did much to rouse the Russian Jews to a new sense of the reality of life, and Gordon was the apostle of enlightenment in the Ghettos. His Hebrew style is classical and pure. Much of his poetry revolves around biblical and historical themes. His works were intended to disseminate Enlightenment values and had a profound impact on Jewish life. Many feel his romantic works lack the same militancy as his poetic works, though his advocacy resurfaces in his realistic novels. Two Days and One Night in a Hotel, first published in 1868, is set in a shtetl (a small Jewish village in Eastern Europe), where life was full of contradictions. (Summary by Wikipedia and Omri Lernau)

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