Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night
Genre: Comedy
Language: English
Viewed: 539
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Description Twelfth Night

Hidden and mistaken identities, requited and unrequited loves, pranks and jokes abound in this romantic comedy. (Summary by Karen Savage)

Orsino, Duke of Illyria - Joshua B. Christensen
Sebastian - Madame Tusk
Antonio, a Sea Captain, friend to Sebastian - Alan Davis Drake
A Sea Captain - Kara Shallenberg
Valentine, a gentleman attending on the Duke - Zachary Brewster-Geisz
Curio, a gentleman attending on the Duke - Heather Barnett
Sir Toby Belch, uncle to Olivia - Alan Davis Drake
Sir Andrew Aguecheek - Andy Minter
Malvolio, steward to Olivia - John Gonzalez
Fabian, servant to Olivia - James Rye
Feste the Clown - Larysa Jaworski
Olivia, a rich Countess - Kristin Hughes
Viola - Karen Savage
Maria, Olivia’s waiting woman - Rosalind Wills
Servant - Larysa Jaworski
Priest - J.C.
First Officer - Christie Nowak
Second Officer - Rosalind Wills
Narrator - Gesine

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