
Cultural heritage is part of the public, including public domain, who mastered the cultural generation of people and transmitted to them by inheritance to the next generation.

Not all public domain included in the concept of cultural heritage, for they are not all created by society, acts in its cultural form. There are social phenomena, the results of past cultures, from which the current generation would like to unsubscribe but are not able to do so. For example, nuclear weapons, alcohol, drugs, terrorism and other phenomena. Thus, cultural heritage is often already public domain.

To the concept of "cultural heritage" can be approached from different points of view, from a legal, philosophical, cultural. It is recognized that the cultural heritage is the totality of the results of material and spiritual production of past historical periods. In a more narrow sense – the amount accruing to mankind from past epochs of cultural property, subject to critical evaluation and revision, development and use in the context of specific historical problems, in accordance with the criteria of social progress.

To the cultural heritage are public recognized material and spiritual values, which are evidence of epochs and civilizations, the true sources of information about the origin and development of culture and maintained by society to maintain social and ethnic identity, as well as transmission to future generations. As an important information potential embodied in material objects, phenomena, norms of morality and ethics, philosophy and scientific concepts, cultural heritage is vital to humanity for further development. Essential attributes of heritage are preserved anddemand.

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