Technology is a set of methods, processes and materials used in any field of activity, and scientific description of the technical methods of production. In a narrow sense is a complex of organizational measures, operations and techniques to manufacture, maintenance, repair or operation of the product with a nominal quality and optimal cost, and due to the current level of development of science, technology and society. Technology determines the working principle and the use of technology, and elements of technologies without which equipment cannot be created and used.

In industry and agriculture presentation of the technology described in the documents, referred to as the operating flowsheet (with detailed description) or a route map (with a short description). In stage art technology for the execution of performances, plays, film screenings, described by the scenario. In relation to political economy and the economy when you change public opinion used the term PR — Public Relations — communication with the public often incorrectly perceived by the public as an advertising or information campaign.

Engineering is an area of human intellectual activity, discipline, the profession, the objective of which is the application of science, technology, the use of the laws of physics and natural resources to solve specific problems, goals and objectives of humanity. Engineering is realized through the application of scientific knowledge and practical experience (engineering skills) to create (first design) useful technological and technical processes and objects that implement these processes.

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