Saga is a story, clearly corresponding to certain canons adopted for this work. Usually it starts with the presentation to the reader of the main actors is described their ancestry in many knees. Sometimes a story about the main character begins a few generations before his birth and the appearance (until the time of settlement of Scandinavian lands).

Saga is Old Norse prose narratives of different genres that were made in Norway, Sweden and, mainly, Iceland during the Middle Ages, beginning with the IX century. Saga represent: lives of saints, biographies of kings, skalds, descriptions of important historical events (colonization of Iceland, the discovery of America, the baptism of the Scandinavians, etc.), family histories, family and individual novels, prose heroic songs, translated romances, fantastic stories and fairy tales. The most famous of the Icelandic sagas this is the "Saga of the Icelanders", or "sagas". Therefore, when you talk about "Icelandic sagas" or just "Saga", they usually mean "sagas about Icelanders".

The SAG inherent objective, restrained tone of the narrative, sober presentation of facts, events, actions. The author is dissolved in the story; it is not (it directs fate itself, which believed the Germans and Scandinavians). Feature actors gradually formed from the impressions of their behavior and actions. A detailed description of information about bloodlines, family ties, description of area, etc. increase the degree of "authenticity" of these detailed stories.

We have collected for you the most famous works in the genre of "Saga". Enjoy listening, leave your comments and impressions.

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