The Bible is an amazing Book. Despite the fact that it is one of the oldest books because they were written a few millennia ago, but until today, it was and remains the most famous and most popular book in the world.

Many people are willing to admit the Bible is a special Book, a source of wisdom, the largest literary work. However, it believes that it is fit rather for philosophical reflection than for everyday life of modern man, his family and school, work and business. One who is superficially familiar with the Scripture that says more about the past and future than about the present.

Since the Bible is an ancient book, there are a large number of its translations. The books formed the New Testament, date back to the Ist – beginning of II century. Most of them have the Greek text; the gospel of Matthew, in all probability, was originally written in Hebrew and the gospel of Mark – Aramaic. The authorship of the New Testament books traditionally attributed to disciples of Jesus – the apostles. In this section, we consider the Douay-Rheims version of the Bible.

Gradually, during the Counter-reformation, the Catholic Church began to realize the necessity of translating the Bible into national languages. In 1582 was published translated from the Vulgate Reims New Testament; a translation of the English College in Reims (France) G. Martin. In another French town of Douai in 1609-1610 was published translation of the Old Testament. It had also started G. Martin, and finished the work of the President of the College of Cardinal William Alinsky, with the assistance of R. T. Bristow and Worthington's. The translation was made from the Vulgate; the text contains many Latinisms and often literally reproduces the original. Published in Rheims and Douay English translation of the Bible was called the Douay-Reims translation. From 1635 to 1749 it was reprinted only the New Testament part of it; in 1749-1750 Bishop Richard Challoner corrected translation of the Old Testament books that breathed in Douai-Reims translation of the new life.

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