Dear Brutus (dramatic reading)
J. M. Barrie
Genre: Dramatic Readings
Language: English
Viewed: 542
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Description Dear Brutus (dramatic reading)
At a house in the country 8 guests are invited to enter a magical wood to see what might have happened had they made a different choice in life. Even though they are warned away from the wood, they take a chance and enter. The title comes from Shakespeare: "The fault lies in our selves, dear Brutus, not in our stars...," and summarizes the theme of this play: given a second chance, will people still make the same mistakes? (summary by David O)
Mr. Dearth: azureblue
Mrs. Alice Dearth: Beth Thomas
Mr. Purdie: David Olson
Mrs. Mabel Purdie: Maryanka
Mr. Coade: ToddHW
Mrs. Coade: Bev J Stevens
Lob: Natalie Paula
Matey: bala
Joanna Trout: Libby Gohn
Lady Caroline Laney: Sarah Terry
Margaret: TriciaG
Narrated by Shakira Searle
Audio edited by David Olson