
The Flying Girl

Description The Flying Girl

Frank L. Baum, author of the Oz books, delivers an engaging story for all ages. Orissa Kane works in order to provide for her family. Her mother is blind, while her brother devotes his time to his invention, a flying machine. Everything changes when he brakes his leg and Orissa decides to continue developing the machine. This fascinating and relatable book explores the early days of aviation, and the changing role of women. Frank L. Baum chose to publish this book under the name Edith Van Dime. - Summary by Stav Nisser.

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ForewordOrissaA Disciple of AviationThe Kane AircraftMr. Burthon is ConfidentialBetween Man and Man, and a GirlA Bucking BiplaneSomething WrongMr. Burthon’s PropositionThe Other FellowA Fresh StartOrissa ResignsThe Spying of Tot TylerSybil is CriticalThe Flying FeverA Final TestThe Opening GunA Curious AccidentThe One to BlamePlanning the CampaignUncle and NieceMr. H. Chesterton Radley-ToddThe Flying GirlA Battle in the AirThe CriminalThe Real HeroineOf Course


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