Beauties of Tennyson

Beauties of Tennyson
Language: English
Viewed: 418
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Description Beauties of Tennyson

A collection of Tennyson's poetry :
1 The Brook - 00:16
2 Song from "Maud" - 1:20
3 A Farewell - 2:34
4 Song from “Maud” - 3:26
5 Break, Break, Break - 4:53
6 From “Locksley Hall”- 5:43
7 Song from “Maud” - 6:43
8 Song from “The Princess” - 7:43
9 Lillian - 8:37
10 Ring out, Wild Bells - 9:52
11 From “The Princess” - 11:27
12 Song From “The Princess” - 12:43
13 From “Enoch Arden” - 13:58
14 From “Enoch Arden” - 15:36
15 The Charge of the Light Brigade- 16:56
16 From “The May Queen” - 18:51
17 Song from “The Princess” - 19:36
18 From “Harold” - 20:14
19 From “The Revenge” - 21:28

(From Sam Stinsson)

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