Transport is a material production industry that provides transportation for passengers and cargo. There are the following types of transport: land (divided into road, rail, pipeline and drawn), air - aviation, water (divided into river and sea). Some people include electricity transmission lines (since they are transmitted nothing but energy). By destination, public transport serving the sphere of circulation and the population, transportation of non-public use (intra-industrial movement of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished goods, etc.) and transport of personal use are distinguished.

Primitive transport vehicles appeared in the time of the primitive community. With the development of production forces and because of social division of labor, vehicles were developed and improved. Separation of transport into a special industry began in the XV-XVI centuries. In addition, ended with the transition from manufactory to large-scale machine production, that is, at the end of the XVIII century. The great geographical discoveries have made a great contribution to the creation of a worldwide transport network. However, this network was finally formed in the XX century. It was in the XX century. Air transport appeared and pipeline spread.

We offer for you a collection of works in genre «Transportation»for every taste. How does the engine work, what kind of instruments does the pilot look at, when the plane is running, what kind of car structure and how to disassemble the motorcycle? The answers to all of these questions are in the book collection "Transport" in audio format on our site. Listen; leave your comments and impressions.

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