Through the Bible God spoke to people. Priest picked up the image, the style of presentation. Wrote hundreds of known and unknown authors, editors, copyists, translators, and which God revealed his word.

The Bible is the Holy book of Christians, one of the attractions of the world of religious thought, which is firmly rooted in the spirituality and culture of many peoples. It was created from the XII century. to B. E. II century A. E., that is, for nearly a thousand years in the process of selection, editing, and canonization of religious texts, which first Judaism and then Christianity recognized inspired — inspired by the people of God by Revelation.

All streams of Christianity, its Holy Scriptures I believe the Bible. It consists of two main parts - the old and New Testaments. First, Judaism also recognizes the ancient part of the Bible - the Old Testament, as noted

In the New Testament, which was formed in the i - II century A. E., the scholars selected the 27 books, the text of which is common to all Christians. It consists of the four Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which tell of the coming Savior (Messiah) of Jesus Christ, his life, death and resurrection. In other books (acts and the Epistles of the apostles in the book of revelation (Apocalypse)) describes the life of Christ, spread of Christianity, interpreted in the creeds, are prophecies about the last judgment and the end of the world. The canonization of the New Testament occurred in a difficult fight.

The analysis of the found manuscripts of the old and New Testaments shows that the 66 books that comprise the Bible were not divided into chapters, verses, was not parallel to the links, and reading, understanding, and a census of the text was complicated. So whole groups of professional priests were engaged in this work.

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