The medical literature contains a huge number of books about traditional and alternative medicine, diseases and their treatment, fiction stories on medical topics, etc.

Medicineis a system of scientific knowledge and practical activity, the purpose of which is to strengthen and maintain health, prolong a person’s life, and prevent and treat diseases. Medicine studies the structure and vital processes of the human body in normal and pathological conditions; factors of the natural and social environment in terms of their positive or negative impact on people's health.

Medicine studies human diseases, their causes, mechanisms of occurrence, development and characteristic signs, as well as the possibility of using various physical, chemical, biological and technical factors and devices for the prevention, detection and treatment of diseases. The range of interests of medicine covers all spheres of human life, turns it into a system of scientific knowledge about health and disease, conditions of individual and social life of a modern person.

Traditional medicine is a treatment by doctors, and alternative medicine is a variety of alternative treatment methods (healers, psychics, herbal treatments, etc.). It is customary to attribute traditional medicine to alternative medicine. Although in fact, all alternative folk methods of treatment are real traditional medicine, because it is the same age as mankind, it was its methods that were used to treat diseases long before the appearance of official medicine, which is now considered traditional.

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