
Political science - the science of politics, the patterns of occurrence of political phenomena (institutions, relations, processes), the ways and forms of their functioning, the methods of managing political processes, the state, political consciousness, etc.

From the middle of the 1st millennium BC prominent thinkers of the past showed deep interest in the political world. In the primary philosophical and ethical form, fragments of knowledge about politics are found in the writings of ancient thinkers: Zoroaster, Confucius, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and their contemporaries.

In the Middle Ages, during the Renaissance, political knowledge developed mainly within the framework of philosophical knowledge. Only in modern times is the formation of political science as an independent social science. In the 16th century N. Machiavelli singled out political research as an independent scientific direction, put it at the center of the analysis of the problems of state and power. Hobbes, J. Locke, S. Montesquieu, J.J. Rousseau, Hegel freed political science from its religious and ethical form, armed it with conceptual concepts such as theories of natural law, social contract, popular sovereignty, separation of powers, civil society and the rule of law.

Do you want to figure out what drives modern politicians? Here are the most original, interesting and useful books that are worth listening to in the audio format on our website. Of course, politics in different countries and at different periods varies greatly, but these books seem universal to us. Enjoy the listening.

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